Sunday, March 27, 2011

Life as we know it NO MORE!

Well, I graduated high school in 2005 and since then I have had two constants in my life one ASWN and two Wingers. The last few years have been rough in the world with the economy and well ASWN saw it coming first. Architecture, Surveying, Land Development, Engineering, Etc. probably suffered first and that is exactly what ASWN is. They are still holding on but they separated the Surveying department from their company. So, that helped my dad to start back strong in his company Bromac. He has had the company for over 15 years and now he is back strong doing that. I go in and work for him whenever he needs me and whenever the work is there. So all in all I am no longer with ASWN since December and I have been with Bromac since January and I work as needed. Then Wingers....Daniel and I are finished with serving there. Which is one of the best things that probably has ever happened to us. Daniel is full time with his CNA job and he is getting closer to having his Bachelors Degree. Next year at this time he will be graduating. With my free time I have decided to work at two restaurants. I work at Fin and Norah's during the morning and I work at California Pizza Kitchen at night. I am just starting at CPK so we will see how that goes!! I am excited for the change!

So, Daniel and I are doing great. We are getting excited about our future and we are loving everything that comes our way.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lets Play Catch-Up

Catch up time :) Well, my birthday was January 31 and I worked on my birthday since it was a Monday. So, Tuesday we celebrated my birthday. Daniel bought me 2 pairs of heels, 2 movies and a HD camcorder. I really wanted a camcorder so I was very happy to get one. Then we went to Olive Garden for dinner. Maddie, Jakob, Shelly and Jake came with us. Shelly and I have been friends forever and her birthday was Jan 23, our saying is and forever will be that I am 8 inches taller and she is 8 days older. I love my Shell!! They gave me a gift card to Forever 21 which is my favorite place! My family gave me a gift card to Olive Garden and a daisy shaped platter for food which I desperately wanted. Then we move on to Feb which is Daniel's birthday. It was on a Sunday so we did a homemade pizza bar and created personal pizza's that were delicious. I made him a Ninja Turtle cake and grandma got him a ice cream cake. He is always spoiled. He got money, gift cards, a ps3 case, new laptop case and a kindle. Then Aunt Connie and the family made a big deal of his birthday and mine. We went to their house the following Tuesday and they had made us a family home evening chart made out of wood which was so cute and they gave us more food storage then we know what to do with and our favorite treats. Aunt Connie is so awesome and she knows us so well with all of her thoughtfulness. I am extremely grateful to her and the family for making such a big deal of our birthdays since on Daniel's side that is all we have.

Friday I went in to this new restaurant called Fin and Norah's and I got another serving job. I am excited to work at a new restaurant! That is pretty much everything up to date.