Well hello to all! Many people would say I have fallen off the face of the earth that however is not entirely the case. I did although take a break from all social internet sites. I had no particular reason but I am here to say I am back!!
This time every year my family takes a trip to Cali. We are super sad we could not go but I started a new job and in the first 90 days there is no vacation. It totally blows but we will hopefully be looking forward to a trip sooner than later to the wonderful and dearly missed California. Happy Birthday to my dad yesterday, we are usually in Disneyland for his birthday so it was quite sad to spend dinner at Chilies rather than on Pirates of the Caribbean or Space Mountain. We will survive though.
My new job is working at Comcast and boy oh boy do I love to hate it. I don't know what it is about a call center but I will tell you this when I no longer need to work there I will never look back. It is a job and for that I am grateful but as far as enjoying my new job...its NEVER going to happen. People are quite annoying. I know, I sound rude but in reality people suck. Game over.
On a much brighter note....its OCT-freaking-TOBER!!!!! My favorite month, season and holiday are currently upon us. Daniel and I have decided on being none other than Red Riding Hood and The Wolf. We always have to go all out for Halloween since it is my all time favorite holiday. I will be working on my cape/cloak the next few weeks and Daniel's costume is coming along quite nice as far as ideas go :)
Well, until next time..see ya! XOXO