Wednesday, November 2, 2011

12 Weeks!

11/02 12 weeks!! I had my first doctor appointment on 10/31 yes, that’s right Halloween. I figured it was appropriate since it is my very favorite holiday and I got to see my very first baby for the very first time that day. I was super happy and so was Daniel the little thing had its hand on its head the whole time so we couldn’t see the profile very well but it is so precious that I have a little baby growing inside me. Daniel wants a girl which makes sense due to the fact that he has all sisters. I want a boy because I am a little on the lazy side and they are easier. However we would be happy with either!! A baby is a baby and its our baby so we can hardly stand waiting to know the gender. At this moment in time we have a name picked out for both a boy and a girl. Boy=Zyker and Girl= Silver. They are unique and I picked the boy name and Daniel picked the girl name. I know that names don’t always stick before the baby is born but right now we have chosen those names. The doctor said everything looks good and he will see me every 4 weeks from now on. He also said that I could get in around the 22nd of December so we know the gender of the baby before we tell anyone. We are debating on how long we are going to wait right now. We are thinking Thanksgiving at the soonest and Christmas at the latest. Everyone is assuming but it’s not official until we say. I am still super super tired and I don’t want to do anything my doc says that will ease up in the second trimester then the third I will get tired again. I don’t really like very many foods at this point and I haven’t gained any weight either. I figured since I started out the pregnancy a little plump then it would be helpful to gain as little as possible.

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